Archive for April 3rd, 2012

April 3, 2012

Public Issues- Kaye

I’m essentially the worst journalist ever. I hate the Times, I refuse to watch the news and I couldn’t tell you a single thing going on with the election. I only know about the Republican hopefuls because of Colbert (they’re still trying to get a nomination, right?). I’m more of a personal interest kind of gal. I keep up with the latest fashion trends, constantly search for good food blogs and try to find an exercise plan that will make me look like I know what I’m doing at the gym. I don’t feel like my vote counts, so although I do care about gas prices and healthcare, I feel like I’m not going to be able to do anything about it and I’m subjected to whatever the political elite throw at me. So much for democracy and power to people, huh? I know I should be more interested in these things, but honestly, knowledge takes effort. It requires me to read the paper, do some searching online and figure out what the heck those hippies camped out by the arch were whining about. Frankly, I don’t have that kind of time. I’m too busy being crammed full of knowledge I don’t really think I need, such as the difference between mangroves and coastal salt marshes (mangroves are found between 30 degrees N and S latitude, and csm’s are found pole-ward of that, in case you also have a geography test this week). Maybe once I’m out of school and can really focus on what I want to focus on, I’ll learn a little about the real world. When that day comes, I’ll probably read up on human rights and sex trafficking, decent education for everyone (including holding parents responsible, not just teachers) and maybe figure out what’s really going on with this healthcare insanity. Since I do feel those things are important, even if I don’t know much about them at this time.

April 3, 2012

Magazine Post 1- Robert Daniel

My magazine, Climbing, obviously caters to climbers, but the content is relevant from beginners to pros. I enjoy reading tips and learning about areas that are suitable for my skill level. However, it acknowledges the giants of the sport, and devotes a lot of content to the great climbers today (as well they should). A crucial element to the magazine, especially in telling the story of pro climbers, is the photography. I always enjoy the photos of ridiculous humans doing ridiculous, seemingly in-human moves on the rock. In the February issue of Climbing, the magazine revealed the winners of the 2012 Golden Piton Awards for the best categorical feats in climbing from the previous year. (For example, best big wall climb, best mountaineering ascent, best crack climb, etc…climbing is an umbrella term for very different technical sports). In this feature, the winners’ feats are described with an accompanying photo of the feat being performed.

When I achieve a personal goal in climbing, I’m excited, but then I look at pictures like this…: (Where’s Waldo in this picture is Dani Andrada, winner of a Golden Piton for sport climb of the year).








Viewing feats like this keeps me, and most likely thousands of other readers motivated, to work towards a climbing project that is in the same ballpark as this (I can’t even see this “ballpark,” much less be inside it). It is great to see these incredible athletic achievements recognized by a widely distributed publication, despite being dwarfed by the obvious more popular sports in the world. I’d like to see LeBron or Kobe up there….just sayin’